Grooming should be an essential part of the life of your cat. If you start when she is young, she is accustomed to grooming early in life and make it easier to groom as it matures. She may resist at first, but soon come to enjoy and cherish the celebration to give extra time for preparation.
For cats with long hair, a long-toothed metal comb and a stiff brush is best. First you must manipulate your hair against the way in establishing what is soft and fluffy with a brush in the direction of hair growth. Shorthair cat brush with a soft brush or rubber glove hand with short bristles. Longhaired cats should be brushed daily and short-haired cats at least once or twice a week, to help control your cat shedding and help prevent hairballs.
A cat sheds to some degree throughout the year, but especially in spring and autumn. Brushing is especially important during these seasons to help remove the layer of dead hair cat. A stylish coat, bright reflects good nutrition and good care you give it care. Make sure you have cleaning supplies ready when you arrive at your cat to get used to them.
Cats usually do an excellent job of preparing themselves, but even the most beautiful cat may be a victim of troublesome hairballs. You may one day see vomiting long dark mass - commonly called a hairball - formed by the hair of your cat has ingested. Forming in your cat's stomach and intestine, hairballs can cause dehydration, weight loss, and bowel obstruction and hinder digestion and elimination. Symptoms or signs of hairballs include loss of appetite, chronic vomiting, slow, and constipation. The two cats long and short hair can have hair balls and the best solution is prevention. You can help prevent or eliminate hairballs and shedding care and brushing and combing your cat's coat.
If hairballs are still a problem, the resources available from your veterinarian and most pet shops. There are some remedies all natural hair balls to try. Olive oil is said to help with hairballs. You can put 1 / 2 teaspoon olive oil in the food dish of your cat. Some people recommend oily fish to prevent hairballs in cats. Another trick is to put a small amount of Vaseline on the tip of the nose of your cat and allow them to lick the nose. You can find this strange, however, the active ingredient in Vaseline is petrolatum, which is actually the same active ingredient in many of the appeals against hairballs available in pet stores. If you have any questions, consult your veterinarian before trying these remedies natural hairball.
clutches of an indoor cat can become broken and torn and the cut needed. A scratching post will help keep them in good condition and minimize or eliminate the need for intervention. Never use scissors to trim your cat's nails. Use special cat clippers. Here is how to trim your cat's nails. Cat's Paw hold up a light so strong you can clearly see the quick - the sensitive pink nail to avoid. Gently squeeze your cat's paw to extend the nail and remove only a small portion of the outer nail white. Be sure to keep nails short perpendicular to the nail. If in doubt have your veterinarian show you how to cut the nail or to do so.
Dental Care
permanent teeth of your cat come between 14 and 30 weeks of age. The most common dental problem affecting the permanent teeth is the accumulation of plaque, leading to hardened tartar deposits on the surface of the tooth. If unchecked, this calculation can eventually cause inflammation of the gums and lining of the cavity of the tooth. And without proper treatment, the teeth eventually become loose and fall.
To prevent this, clean your cat's teeth on a regular basis. Gently wipe the outer surface of the teeth with gauze soaked in a paste of baking soda and water. Never use toothpaste formulated for humans - the cats could eat and digestive distress could result. In addition, the scale is less likely to develop if your cat has crusty dry cat food to chew on. Regular dental checkups by a veterinarian are also recommended.
Most cats do not like the bathrooms and in most circumstances, you will not have to bathe her. Cats do not really need baths unless they have made it into some kind of problem or are severely infested with fleas. Kittens under 6 months old are very susceptible to the disease and should be bathed only when absolutely necessary. Always use a shampoo made especially for cats. Since cats lick wash their hands, it is possible that they could groom chemicals have been applied.
If it is necessary to bathe the cat, do the following: cotton gently and loosely held in his ears cats and a drop of mineral oil in each eye to prevent entry of water and causing the infection. Fill two wash basins with about 4 inches of warm water - make sure you feel comfortable with his elbow. Place the jack slowly and carefully into the bathroom and bathe a cat shampoo, working from head to tail. Rinse it in the bathtub of others, and then wrapped in a towel. Finally, the dry with a hot hair dryer (if not afraid of the dryer otherwise use a towel). Keep out of drafts until completely dry.
Special problems of hygiene
* Goma, tar and other sticky substances: Remove by rubbing with a little mineral oil. If this fails, remove the affected area with scissors. Be careful not to cut too close to the skin of your cat.
* A water-based paint: Wash immediately with soap and water.
* Oil Based Paint: Fresh paint Wipe dry and then wash with soap and warm water. dry paint must be cut with scissors. Be careful not to cut too close to the skin of your cat.
* Caution: Never use paint remover, kerosene or gasoline, as it can irritate the skin.
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