Unless you purchase a purebred cat for breeding, castration or sterilization is recommended and has a positive effect on your cat's health. Castration (males) or sterilization (female) is a responsible way to prevent the birth of unwanted litters. It can also improve your kitten available and prevent many undesirable behaviors such as urinating or spraying. Spaying and neutering is so widely recommended, many shelters and humane societies require this procedure before it can take a cat to more unwanted kittens do not come into the world.
Spaying is the surgical removal of reproductive organs in the cat. After sterilization, will not experience heat cycles or become pregnant. Most veterinarians believe that 5 to 6 months of age is the ideal time for sterilization, before she has her first heat. When a cat is in heat, becomes restless, nervous and tense. Can be rolled on the ground appear more frequently and demanding. Her voice can also become more pervasive.
Once your cat has been sterilized, the provision should be changed for the better. It may become more relaxed, playful, affectionate and less nervous and noisy. Spaying also helps reduce the risk of uterine infections and false pregnancies conditions related to hormonal imbalances.
Sterilization is the surgical removal of reproductive organs of male cat. If not neutered, which can display an uncontrollable urge to roam around the time that is a year old. As it grows, they can develop the habit of spraying the walls and furniture with urine jets as a way to reclaim their land. Once applied, the furniture is extremely difficult to deodorize.
Ideally, a male kitten be neutered before the age of 10 months, before becoming the "spray" habit. However, the castration of an older cat is definitely still worth it, as it should weaken, if not eliminate, the tomcat unpleasant traits.
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